Monday, May 01, 2006

Should You Sell Your Home on Your Own?

Adapted from abc news article by John Stossel and Gail Deutsch

Owning your home is often described as the "American Dream," but whether you cant to buy a home or sell one, it's scary. With this kind of money involved, it is very hard to know if you are getting the best offer for you home, or paying too much when you buy one.

Is a broker worth it?

Michael and Danielle hired a broker to sell their house in septembere 2005, and they agreed to pay her a full 6% comission, and they say " you get what you pay for. And we look at it more as an investment with somebody that we trust and want to do business with. And for us, we sleep easier at night knowing that we have somebody really looking after every aspect of the sale of our home, Michael said.
But 6% of the $600,000.00 they hope to get for their house would be $36,000.00. Is it worth paying that large commission for one sale? Michael said she's worth it. She may be, brokers work hard to make the sale. They will negotiate for you. They will help you write the ad for your house, and refer you to an engineer who can inspect your home.

So, do you think is worth it?
Which Mortgage will open the door for you?
Adapted from this Sunday's article in the Orlando Sentinel, Section YOUR MONEY

Now that you have made the decision, then it's time to shop the right loan. But do you
know what's best for you?

In this aggresive mortgage market, it can be overwhelming to determine which mortgage meets your needs. There are thousands of companies that say they have the right choice for you, but the first thing is to understand what you need and what you want and can afford, so you need to explore the various options before you go and fall in love with a house.
First of all, you should have looked at your credit report. Then they key is to talk to two or three lenders because they serve different parts of the market, this is called shopping, and this will always help you to ensure that you learn about the different alternatives. Then you can negotiate what is best for you.
There are many available options in the market:

Fixed rate: The payment and interest rate are the same for a predetermined period of time. Main advantage: predictable housing costs for the life of the loan.

30-year fixed rate: the monthly payment and interest rate are the same for 30 years

15-year fixed rate: The monthly payment and interest rate are the same for 15 years.

5-year balloon: Monthly payment and interest rate are the same for five years, and at the end of the fifth year, the loan is due in full.

Adjustable rate: The payment moves up and down annually as interest rates rise and fall. Borrower bears the risk if rates rise.

Interest only: Borrower pays interest ut no principal in the beginning years of the loan, that keeps monthly mortgage payments low.

Piggy back: The loan combinesa traditional first mortgage and a home equity loan or line of credit to avoid private mortgage insurance PMI

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Located in Orlando FL near Int'l Aiport and attractions
View my listing @ or

Located near the University of Central Florida
View my listing @ ID 39647

This is my Family!!!!!!!
Question of the week :o)

Ana Maria Becker came to the U.S. from Guatemala , Central America, bilingual in English and Spanish.
Joined the Help-U-Sell Buyer Partners Realty Orlando, Florida team in December, 2005 as a Sales Associate, and currently looking for investors interested in the rapid-growing Orlando, FL real estate market.
Louis Becker, her husband works in the construction area throughout Florida in JASU FLORIDA ROOFING.