Monday, May 01, 2006

Should You Sell Your Home on Your Own?

Adapted from abc news article by John Stossel and Gail Deutsch

Owning your home is often described as the "American Dream," but whether you cant to buy a home or sell one, it's scary. With this kind of money involved, it is very hard to know if you are getting the best offer for you home, or paying too much when you buy one.

Is a broker worth it?

Michael and Danielle hired a broker to sell their house in septembere 2005, and they agreed to pay her a full 6% comission, and they say " you get what you pay for. And we look at it more as an investment with somebody that we trust and want to do business with. And for us, we sleep easier at night knowing that we have somebody really looking after every aspect of the sale of our home, Michael said.
But 6% of the $600,000.00 they hope to get for their house would be $36,000.00. Is it worth paying that large commission for one sale? Michael said she's worth it. She may be, brokers work hard to make the sale. They will negotiate for you. They will help you write the ad for your house, and refer you to an engineer who can inspect your home.

So, do you think is worth it?


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